Put your banner ad on one of our hiking guides and intersect with thousands of hikers making plans near you.

The Opportunity

The constant streams of cars back and forth to local outdoor destinations should tell you something: people are craving new adventures. The cars don’t show up out of nowhere, but are the result of lots of people searching for information and making plans for a day or weekend.

Over the last eight years, we’ve created over 75 hiking guides, and almost all of them rank in the top several results on Google. Each guide is visited hundreds or thousands of times every month by local people and from major cities like New York and Boston.

If you want to get your business or service in front of people who are into hiking and are making plans to go to a certain location, you should check out our hiking ad packages below.

Our site is the #1 authority for dozens of Hudson Valley and Catskills hikes on Google.

For the first time, we’re opening it up for sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

The Stats

75 hiking guides
10k facebook likes

1.5 Million Hits Annually


As Seen In:

New York Times
The Village Voice
Marie Claire
Lonely Planet
Atlas Obscura
Brooklyn Based

Sitewide Opportunities

Individual Hike Sponsorship Rates

Tier Four ($15-45/mo.)


Our prices are based on the amount of traffic each hike gets. More traffic means that your ad will get viewed more. The price range is based on how high your ad will be on each hike; if you want to be at the top of the page of a Tier One hike like Kaaterskill Falls, it’s $150 a month; if you want to be closer to the bottom of a big hike, it’s $60 a month. It ranges down to our Tier Four hikes, which get less traffic but are also more affordable. Tier Four hikes can be a great opportunity if your business is located nearby; it’s $45 a month to be at the top of the hike, and as little as $15 a month to be at the bottom.

Ad Placement for Hike page:

Contact us today: [email protected]